Diasporas For Haiti

Aimed at Renovating and Building Schools, Developing Water Wells, Medical Clinics, and More

Diasporas For Haiti

Aimed at Renovating and Building Schools, Developing Water Wells, Medical Clinics, and More

Transparent Charity Organization in Haiti


The Purpose

Diasporas For Haiti Inc. is a charity organization that was formed with the purpose of helping people in Haiti by renovating and building schools, building small medical clinics, and also digging wells in all the poor areas of Haiti.

Accountable and Sincere

All our financial transaction activity is available on the website for anyone to see. We are sincere in our goals and will always be accountable and transparent to the community and our donors. Connect with us today to learn more about us.

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Your Support Matters

You can contribute to our cause and help bring a change in the community by donating to us. We also sell t-shirts, a percentage from the sales is used for charity purposes, so you can also help us by buying t-shirts. Kindly visit the store and explore our collection.